The People's Quantitative Easing (PQE) proposal that is currently being debated in the UK media is the version proposed by Richard Murphy.
It involves local authorities issuing debt in the form of bonds to fund
investment in infrastructure. The bonds would originate from a newly
created public investment bank and would be immediately bought up by the
Bank of England (BoE) using newly created money. The bonds, now held by
the BoE would be effectively cancelled (though complications arise here due to the Lisbon Treaty). In this
way, the investment is effectively funded by new money creation by the
BoE, albeit through a slightly convoluted process.
of the main criticisms of this idea have been:
- that simply creating money to finance government spending is inflationary
- the independence of the BoE would be compromised
- the same outcome could be done by conventional government borrowing, so PQE is a way to dodge persistent misunderstandings about the nature of government debt
In order to evaluate these
criticisms and decide whether there is some merit to PQE, it is
necessary to understand how the government and the BoE interact when the
government spends. In other words how fiscal (spending and taxing) and
monetary (inflation, interest rates, etc.) policies interact.
Monetary policy
BoE is part of the the UK public sector. The remit of the BoE is to
keep prices stable, which means controlling inflation. Interestingly,
it does not attempt to prevent any inflation at all, but targets a low,
positive rate of inflation - currently 2% (set by the government).
To do
this, the BoE attempts (with greater or lesser success) to control the
amount of money in circulation. (It doesn't directly target the amount
of money but rather uses an interest rate target as a proxy). The main
method for doing this is altering the amount of money in the reserve
accounts of commercial banks. If there is too much money, the BoE sells some
financial assets to the banks in exchange for their money. After such an operation the
banks have a lower amount of reserves but do hold other assets (often
government bonds) in their place. If the BoE estimates that there is too
little money available to the economy it adds to the banks' reserves by buying assets
from them.
In a sense, government bonds are interchangeable with BoE
issued money (reserves). But since it is reserves which are typically
used to clear payments between banks, the proportion of money which is
held as reserves versus bonds determines (perhaps only loosely) how much
money is readily available to the economy. The BoE simply adjusts this
proportion as appropriate. It's worth noting that the BoE doesn't create
its own bonds, but sells back to the private sector UK government bonds
that had been previously bought up in earlier operations.
Fiscal Policy
government (specifically the Treasury) adds new money to the economy when it
spends. In principle, the government could
simply leave it at that, i.e. create the money and leave the BoE to somehow drain it from the money supply according to its inflation target. But that
would make the job of the BoE very difficult. And in any case, there
are EU rules against
directly financing government with central bank money creation.
Therefore, the UK government applies a rule to itself called the Full Funding Rule. This rule stipulates that any money added to the economy
due to spending must be completely removed. To a large extent this is
achieved through taxation but if the government spends more than it
collects through taxes (a budget deficit) then the government removes
the additional money by selling newly issued bonds. This works in the
same way as when the BoE sells bonds to drain bank reserves - money is
taken out of the economy - except that when the government does it they
are selling newly created bonds. So a government's deficit is associated
with an identically sized issuance of bonds which gives the appearance
of borrowing to fund its spending.
But that is not really what the
intention is. What all this is supposed to mean is that the government's
fiscal policy (spending and taxing) is neutral with respect to
the amount of money in circulation, and therefore the BoE can go about
it's job of targeting the right amount of money in the economy without
any additional complications.
Quantitative Easing
recent programme of Quantitative Easing, carried out by the BoE between
2009 and 2012 was an extreme version of the monetary operations
described above. The BoE bought £375 billion of government bonds from the
private sector and therefore increased bank reserves by the same amount.
The intention was to stimulate the economy by enabling banks to lend
cheaply and by promoting investment in other non-government assets. A
side effect (or possibly an intention) was/is that the cost of issuing
bonds for the UK government stayed very low meaning that the very large
fiscal deficits could be accommodated more easily.
In effect, the UK government debt is now £375 billion less than the declared amount (about £1.4 trillion) since that amount is "owed" to part of the public sector. Indeed, this is what the government states when it "consolidates" the accounts of the entire public sector, and the BoE actually returns interest payments it receives to the government so this portion of the debt has no cost. It can also be argued that, since the bonds that the BoE has bought represent past government deficits, historical deficit spending to the tune of £375 billion has effectively been funded by money creation at the BoE. So while QE was a monetary operation, it can be argued that it has a significant effect on fiscal policy.
In effect, the UK government debt is now £375 billion less than the declared amount (about £1.4 trillion) since that amount is "owed" to part of the public sector. Indeed, this is what the government states when it "consolidates" the accounts of the entire public sector, and the BoE actually returns interest payments it receives to the government so this portion of the debt has no cost. It can also be argued that, since the bonds that the BoE has bought represent past government deficits, historical deficit spending to the tune of £375 billion has effectively been funded by money creation at the BoE. So while QE was a monetary operation, it can be argued that it has a significant effect on fiscal policy.
People's QE
is similar to conventional fiscal operations in some ways and different
in other ways. The fact that bonds are used in the first instance to
fund the spending is similar to current practices although it is not
clear why the bonds need to be from a newly created national investment
bank when conventional Treasury bonds would do the same job.
One reason could be that normal government bonds (gilts) can be linked to non-investment spending such as paying a nurse, whereas the new national investment bank bonds are solely for investment spending, such as building a new hospital. This would help clarify the important distinction between these two types of spending.
One reason could be that normal government bonds (gilts) can be linked to non-investment spending such as paying a nurse, whereas the new national investment bank bonds are solely for investment spending, such as building a new hospital. This would help clarify the important distinction between these two types of spending.
major difference is that in PQE the BoE stands ready to buy up any
bonds issued to fund investment under the scheme. This makes it look a
little like QE in the sense that QE involved the BoE buying up
government bonds en masse, and QE arguably funded some government
spending in an ex post sense. But there are differences in the
rationales for QE and PQE, one being specifically monetary and the other
fiscal with direct and specific social outcomes.
any case, there is an obvious potential downside to the
buying up of government bonds by the BoE. In the normal case, government
spending is neutralised by taxing and bond issuance and therefore the
BoE does not have to consider the effect of the government's fiscal
policy when conducting its inflation targeting operations. But if the
BoE is charged with buying the bonds used for PQE investments then it is
being asked to introduce money into the economy which is not being neutralised. One conclusion that has been drawn by many is that the new money will therefore be inflationary. And perhaps it
will, if the BoE do nothing more. But the obvious response from the BoE
would be to sell some bonds (possibly original QE bonds) back into the
private sector to drain out the added money. This is, after all, the
normal response of the BoE when it perceives too much money in the
economy. And so, if the net result of the PQE operation is that the
government spends and the private sector ends up holding an equivalent
amount of government bonds then it doesn't look much different from
current practices. It doesn't matter whether bonds were sold by the
Treasury or the BoE, the net result is the same. In which case we simply
conclude that, as long as we want a central bank charged with keeping
prices stable, PQE doesn't end up being any different from what already
if we were in "normal times", we could leave it there. But we are not
in normal times. At present, inflation in the UK is around 0% which
means that the BoE is failing to hit it's +2% inflation target by a
whole 2%. This is despite buying up £375 billion of government, flooding banks
with the same amount of reserves and maintaining next-to-zero interest
rates for 6 years.
So the most extreme monetary policy used by the BoE
appears to be insufficient - under current circumstances - for hitting
the targeted level of inflation. One possible reason for
this is that the current fiscal policy of targeting deficit reduction
is sucking demand out of the economy. In this light, the charge against
PQE - that it interfere's with the remit of the BoE's inflation targeting
- is no worse than could be levelled against the policies of the current
Conservative government.
So it is possible that a simple reversion to
"normal", non-austere fiscal policies in which debt and deficit targets
are not paramount would produce a sufficient amount of inflation to be
in line with the BoE's target. In such a case it would be difficult to
justify PQE since it would revert to conventional bond-backed
spending, as argued above.
But under the current circumstances, when the tools of
monetary policy have been exhausted and still the inflation target is
being missed, then some inflation being produced by PQE-style
money creation would not only be acceptable but would be positively
welcome. In this guise - dropping the need for a new investment bank -
this looks like the more general idea of "helicopter money", i.e. creating money and giving it to members of the public.
PQE, as presented, includes some useful ideas and some unnecessary ones. There doesn't seem to be any need for a new investment bank when conventional
Treasury bonds fulfil the same role. And in normal times, when the BoE
is more or less able to approximate its inflation target, PQE just ends
up looking like the conventional methods of doing fiscal policy
(spending neutralised by taxes and bond sales). But in extreme cases
when the economy is struggling to produce any inflation and the
government/BoE have exhausted all monetary policy options, the money
creation/helicopter money aspect of PQE seems entirely reasonable and
If you been affected by any of the issues in this post, listen to this podcast.
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